Engagement Model

Engagement Process

Dedicated Offshore Resources


Client will hire people provided by Tech-Lever to work exclusively on their project. Client gets all the benefits of experienced and skilled developers and managers without getting involved in things like hiring them, managing attrition rates or paying allowances and benefits.

How It Works:

The client or business owner provides Tech-Lever a list of broad based requirements. We assemble the team best suited to do the job and hand them over to the client. As business needs evolve the client has the freedom to change the strength of the team. The team always reports directly and regularly to the client allowing the client to exercise full control over all aspects of the project. Tech-Lever monitors the project for quality standards and steps in whenever necessary.

Ideal For:

Client’s that have a fair idea about what is required and have direct project management needs. Client’s who are keen to execute the project with lower off-shore resources. Clients who do now want to deal with the administrative and management headaches of managing an offshore location.

Hourly & Part-Time Resources


This is the pay as you go model, with billings based on how much time has been invested.

How It Works:

Tech-Lever assigns people with a wide range of skill sets to work on the project. They work under direct instructions from the client eliminating the need for a detailed specification. Tech-lever also changes the composition of the team based on the contours of the project and client needs. As with other models client is assigned a project manager to keep the lines of communication clear.

Ideal For:

Client’s whose requirements and scope of the project is constantly evolving. Client’s whose workload for these project and skills requirements for the project are also changing time to time.

Fixed Price Projects


This is the commonly used “this project costs x” model. There is a freezing of project requirements, written deadlines and pre determined budgets.

How It Works:

Client and Tech-Lever work out the project requirements, milestones, deadlines and budget. Tech Lever then assembles the team. Depending on project needs the number of people working on the project may change. A project manager is assigned and responsible to regularly update the client on the progress.

Ideal For:

Single development projects required by the client where there have been very clear definitions and design specifications. Client’s whose projects are unlikely to have any changes during the development cycle.

Engagement Mind Set

Better Communication

Better communication, better understanding and better results go hand in hand. Our engagement model allows for direct communication with the allotted resource in presence of his manager. This ensures no communication gaps.

Better Resources

Superior selection and screening process, followed by extensive in-house training programs is the founding pillar in our ability to get our customers better resources. Our team of highly educated, experienced & talented human resource managers have a strong track record of ensuring low attrition rates and maintaining a highly motivate workforce.

Better Collaboration

Team work – works better than individual efforts. This is all the more true in the technology domain where knowledge is the differentiator. Collaboration is a basic necessity for successful project execution. Our collaborative delivery platform leverages collective knowledge of our human capital to proactively overcome challenges, in the proven and effective way.


We offer multiple options for payment to clients including

1. Card Payments

We can accept card payments online or on phone. For online payment visit our payment page, that is a secured payment gateway to pay the requisite amount. Clients can also pay over the phone using the help of our process executive. Keep the following information handy to make card payments. Credit card / debit payments will incur a surcharge of 3%.

  • Card Number
  • Card Type (Visa / MasterCard / Diners)
  • Expiry Date
  • Card Holder’s Name
  • CVV No
  • Passport Copy
2. Payment via Transfer Wise

TransferWise is a peer-to-peer money transfer service. Money transfers with TransferWise are similar to conventional money transfers: the customer chooses a recipient and a currency, the money to be transferred is taken from his or her account, the transferring company charges for the service, and the transferring company gives to the recipient the payment in the chosen country and currency. This intermediary based process avoids costly currency conversion and transfers crossing borders. To make payments using this mode take the following steps

  • Step 1: Go to transferwise.com and register for free to get started.
  • Step 2: Enter the amount you wish to transfer and select currency. Click on Continue. (Transferwise charges a small fee while saving you the bank fees and giving the real exchange rate.)
  • Step 3: Add Recipient by entering details: RECIPIENT NAME & EMAIL ADDRESS
  • Step 4: Add IFSC CODE & BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER, and then press Continue.
  • Step 5: For payment use Swift Code/IBAN no. where applicable.
  • Step 6: Review Details of your Transfer.
  • Step 7: Choose a payment method – Debit/Credit Card OR Bank Transfer.
  • Step 8: Enter Payment details and hit Continue.
  • Step 9: Click on Make the transfer to complete your payment.
3. Paypal

For orders from a large company or the government, we can accept a Purchase Order towards your registration. Please write to us with the name of your employer to confirm if a Purchase Order will be acceptable towards your registration. Our process executive will provide you our Paypal Account ID details via email and phone. Post deposit amount the balance amount has to be paid by cash or traveler’s check after arrival in India. Paypal payments will incur a surcharge of 4%.

4. Wire Transfers

Our process executive team will provide details of our bank account. Clients can wire funds to the account information provided via email. In order to credit the payment to your account, please mention your (or participant’s) name, order id (as provided at the time of registration), course name and start date / month in the remarks column of the Bank Wire document.

Overview Of Standard Terms & Conditions

We believe in ethical conduct of business and consider protecting the information received from client as a central need for all clients whether expressed or not.

Company NDA

We ensure complete protection of the data, source code, knowledge, received from our clients while executing their assignment. Our organization is PCI-DSS certified for information security standards. We also sign specific Non-Disclosure Agreement as may be defined by clients for specific needs.

Employee NDA

All employees in our organization have a strict NDA contract, preventing disclosure of any information. We take breaches very seriously and pursue enforcement diligently to protect the interests of our clients and our organization.

Service Level Agreement

SLA’s will typically be included in the contract schedules and cover a number of areas of service including system availability and response times. Measuring and monitoring service levels can be achieved through user satisfaction surveys and analysis of performance data such as system response and job turn around times. The client needs to be aware that SLA’s are not inflexible and there should be a review period in the SLA to cover changing client requirements and new technology.

Quality standards

Measuring and monitoring service levels are achieved through user satisfaction surveys and analysis of performance data such as system response and job turnaround times. The SLA’s are not inflexible and there are review period in the SLA to cover changing client requirements and new technology.

Property Rights

All development in the course of project execution, which includes software, source code, data structures, documentation and design options fully belong to the client unless agreed to separately. After project completion all materials are transferred to the client, and after he/she confirms the successful receipt, all electronic copies of this data will be purged unless instructed otherwise by the client.


We take care in delivering a high quality product that fully adheres to the specifications defined and approved by the client. Though the deliverables are tested at multiple levels and also accepted and approved by the client, there can be times when bugs occur after the final delivery is made. We offers our clients 60 days (after the final delivery) testing and trial period under which all bugs found by the customer are fixed free of charge. Even after expiration of this period, we might provide the clients short cost-free consultations on the project concerning source code, implementation etc.

Product Support and Enhancement

We offer paid support services for created products, like modification of the product and creation of successive versions, product setup, customization, and administration at the Customer’s servers, end user support.

Maintenance Team

We can provide a dedicated support team for software developed by us based on client needs. We provide the same developers who participated in the project development group to carry out bug fixing and product support to enable maximum speed and quality resolution to issues. The support can also be extended through email and chat for clients and their customers. We also train our people to provide the back office support required to run the projects developed by us for you.

Business Testimonials

Hire Database Specialists

” We have worked with Enlink on various software development initiatives & technology enabled services. Our experience has been outstanding. The Enlink team is professional, knowledgeable and accommodating to needs no matter what time of day. They helped us to re-develop our software for our client and they took the product to a whole new level. Our clients have been extremely happy with the end result. We continue to expand our partnership to include hosting, software maintenance as well as the development of additional software products and business services. “

Jeff W. Mallory

Hire Database Specialists